The Full Story
Fun. Kind of funny. A little weird. Walks funny. Loves Disney. That's me. I'm a simple guy with a not so simple story.
It all started in the 80's in a small town in Wisconsin... I'm just kidding, I'm not that weird. I mean, I might be but I don't want to scare y'all off quite yet.
I am from Wisconsin. Born and raised. Couple things: No I'm not a Packer fan, No I don't hunt, No I don't love beer, Yes I love cheese.
Up until I was 34 I was a pretty normal Midwestern dude. Married my best friend (corny, I know), had dogs, the normal things. In 2019 though, during some investigatory doctor's appointments, I found out that I had Multiple Sclerosis. It was a big gut-punch at the time but now everything just adds to the adventure of life and I don't let any of it bring me down. I try to at least, sometimes I just can't help it.
The biggest change? I can't run. I've never been a fast runner but I ran. I've run, along with my wife and her family, numerous RunDisney races ranging anywhere from a 5K all the way up to a full 26.2 mile marathon. That's the hardest part of this whole journey. I've gone from participant to spectator and that has taken some getting used to.
Aside from that huge part of my life things are still always an adventure. We've lived in 3 states since 2021 thanks largely in part to my wife's job and I feel a fourth coming soon. Maybe. Don't get me wrong, moving sucks but man do I love experiencing all of these new places.
We try to travel as often as we can. Most of the time our vacations are Disney related as we both probably have an unhealthy obsession with Disney.
So that's me. The blog is going to hopefully shed light on a bunch of topics and hopefully I can provide you with a fun, funny and educational journey through life.
We've recently becoming addicted to target shooting so you are going to see a lot of that.